Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Britain and the EU - "In Out In Out Shake It All About"

Britain and the EU - "In Out In Out Shake It All About"

BRITAIN TODAY faces a myriad of contentious and complex issues that have arisen as a result of a long drawn out loss of identity and culture.

Of course what the British Isles represent to the people that live in them varies greatly and depends on many factors individual to the, by now, varied ethnic and ideological groups that live here so it is hard to paint with broad brush strokes a picture that will appeal to and satisfy all tastes and inclinations.

According to the latest from the never ending political merry-go-round of debates, talks, TV programs, negotiations etc. on 23rd June this year the population will get the chance to participate in a referendum on EU membership and this will no doubt lead to many heated media exchanges but what is plain to see is that generally speaking most of us get our information almost 100% through the media…. People talk about UK sovereignty and our cherished independence and way of life but the question arises therefore - Where is the evidence that we still actually have a way of life and a culture that goes beyond the more basic material elements of  "The Englishman in his castle" with his private garden and all the add ons that go with the sense of "Britishness" that typifies the widespread conservative (with a small c) viewpoint.

South West Britain is full of lovely old buildings, cottages, houses etc and the ruins of still older remnants of the era of castles. There are also rural life museums and ancient monuments, old churches, stately homes and landscaped estates all of which in some way or another pay their homage to what is termed as "Britishness" - this idea that we have of a natural character.

To many perhaps this concept of Britishness or perhaps better to say English Britishness is under threat from the immigration of a variety of ethnic groups since the end of the second world war and the demise, more importantly, of the British Empire. There have been various waves of immigration from the arrival of West Indians who were encouraged to come over in the post war years in order to drive our buses and empty our bins, through the arrival of many folk from the Indian sub-continent to the latest influx of eastern europeans and middle eastern refugees and this by no means exhaustive list intends to do no discredit to some of the earlier immigrants from across the Irish sea. 
In truth England and Britain as a whole has ever been a land of shifting populations and immigration as even our oldest ancestral groups, those known as the Celts, where said to have come from other climes and after were followed by Romans, Vikings, Anglos Saxons and Normans so absolute definition of what is the indigenous British folk can never be too precise and yet, perhaps it is in sifting through these shifting sands and tides of travellers and their stories that we can find a real sense of who we are.

Many of our stories and racial memories are held by place and the way in which, through a sense of place, we can come into contact with that dimension where the land and the people meet… the land of legend and myth, the land of mystery and revelation that lies untouched beyond the realms of day to day comings and goings. It is in being still and listening in these ancient places that we can get a deeper sense in our bones and the blood that runs through us of the stories that the land and her inhabitants tell us. There are trees that have been witnesses to hundreds and even thousands of years of history and stones that have been around even longer. The cycles and seasons of nature have repeated in circular motion far beyond the reaches of our ways of measuring linear time and through immersing our souls in these worlds a while we can recharge ourselves with the spiritual force of our land, the land that is our Mother and at once our sister, lover, grandmother and friend.

The inhabitants of this land are not only us, the human people. There are also deer people, badger people, rabbit people, fox people, robin people, buzzard people, owl people, oak people, ash people, thorn people etc etc. all with their stories and their feelings, their spirit and their resistance, yet the large majority of us ignore those beings that perhaps have an even greater claim than any of us to be part of the indigenous, i.e. original populations of this land.
We turn the badgers from their sets, we cull the deer in their forests, we cut the Oaks if they are in the way of one our roads and we criminally ignore the plight of many of our native trees such as the ash that has become victim to a scourge called die back.

Perhaps many of the people from UKIP or hard line tories, even the left wing euro sceptics should reflect that their desire for independence and sovereignty is something that has long been given away given that our ancient native land has long been under the power of usurpers that have taken away the common rights of the tribes and peoples of what seems like another dimension outside modern time.

Those that call themselves the monarchs for example came from outside and imposed a system of castles and controls on the land, gradually depriving the humble farmers and forest livers the access to our common treasury, the land that bonds us all together and through whom we live, eat, shelter and meet. 
The knowledge of our natural world and all the possibilities contained within her womb of generation that brings forth all that which is necessary for food, clothing, medicine has been lost to many and is ignored by the majority who know next to nothing of the history and lore of the land in which they live.

So how can we truly talk of sovereignty and independence if we do not practice the art of being sovereign in ourselves and acting with understanding that to be independent means to be self reliant, resourceful and knowledgeable of the world around us. 

The fact is that as a nation Britain is dependant on many things from outside and beyond her waters. We do not grow even half of the food we eat and much less can we grow many of the items that have now become part of our daily consumption and cosmopolitan tastes.
We do not digest the impressions we receive from the media and so that we may cultivate our own criteria now that we have fallen victims to the regurgitation of the diet of sound bytes and force fed public opinion.
We do not meet together and consciously share experiences, views and the wisdom of the lives we have lived in order to form a collective understanding between us as to how we may proceed.

Our society has become, to coin a term used in social behaviour studies, "atomised." That is to say each human being lives within a relatively reduced sphere of meaningful human and social contact (I mean facebook doesn't count as being social contact, it is an artificial replacement) and plugs into the "group mind" as manifested in the cyber internet dimension where disembodied opinions float around looking for a mind to lodge themselves in…. This atomisation is and has been for a long time a strategy used by social engineers to steer us toward a disassociation from the nuts and bolts of reality, from relating in here and now terms to the world that we actually live in in a way that gives us direct contact. Thus we work away from where we live, we have friendships with people dispersed in different places and in this sense a "feeling of community" has become something virtual because in reality we have but a partialised sense of community in the form of numerous interest groups or "social sects" but we don't actually speak to our neighbours, we don't engage in local conversation and we have no peoples assembly in which we can speak about what is going on… Indeed, to the establishment any degree of grass roots peoples organisation would be seen as a threat to their imposition and hegemony.

The voice of our people and our ancestors has and is being strangled. Some  of those that represent, for example, the out of Europe option look like not much else other than a controlled opposition, a bunch of throw backs to a kind of idiosyncratic English eccentricity peppering sometimes rational observations of the way that world finance functions through the Central Banks with their "colourful" and pompous views on other subjects that seem designed precisely NOT TO APPEAL to the younger generations and to paint a picture of Euro sceptics as being traditionalist nutters that are out of touch with the modern world etc etc…. so its all a merry-go-round, a media orchestrated theatre show designed to give the appearance of being "real discussion" within a "democratic society" and this is what people spend their spare time watching and reading instead of getting together in a local community centre or other gathering point and actually speaking together as a community about what is going on and developing their own understanding that is not just a cut and paste combination of disparate views that they have taken from the media and the party political ramblings, arguments, compromises and behind the scenes deals.

Whilst all of this goes on of course there is very little real debate on the real issues that affect our nuts and bolts day to day reality…. 

The ever prevalent web of electromagnetic force fields related to all the instruments of this replacement for real culture and exchange that mean that we have to plug into a machine in order to communicate and in order, more significantly even, to be monitored.

Smart this smart that and smart the other to make us more mechanised, infantile and dumber….

An education - in very big inverted commas - system - (which is the operative word) - that is now designed to churn out little conditioned "repeat all they hear and see clones" that will just accept the pro european and new world order jargon because they are trendy, outward looking, catwalk orientated, modern, up-to-date and integrated operating systems that look like human beings but suffer from severe hormonal malfunction and difficulties with thinking without first looking up what Google has to say.

A "Health Service" that for all its sophistication is not designed to actually help people get really well but more to keep them functioning and buying pharmaceutical products…

And yet, as we are told repeatedly "we should be grateful" that we are not in Syria, or any one of those poor countries that are actually in the process of going through that phase of being violently subjugated to the designs of the New World Order and have their social structures, ancestral wisdom, language, cultures and resourcefulness destroyed by force, a stage that we have already gone through some time ago, before proceeding to the step of having any feral inclinations weaned out of us through a succession of cleverly designed psychological attacks designed to isolate any individuals that have somehow managed to conserve in their genetic makeup a positive force that directly links them to the strength of the ancient peoples that lived in and with the elemental forces of the land and nature…. So yeah we should be grateful for the small mercies given to us by experience and take the opportunity therefore to once and for all learn a lesson or two about the significance of life and the fact that, if we allow ourselves the space to breathe a little deeper we can still comprehend and continue to resist in our soul and in our spirit the onslaught of this strange negative force that incessantly attacks life, nature, humanity and  our Mother Planet.

Meanwhile ---- to return to the point of departure --- BRITAIN OUT OF EUROPE --- you bet…. Britain out of a Europe that is not an independent or sovereign Europe but rather an instrument for social, economic and military control designed by the cabals of Global elites that get together in their private club meetings in order to divide the spoils between that criminal and parasitic class of overlords who believe that they are destined to preside over the "rough" and "uncultured" masses who are here only to serve and perpetuate what they believe to be their Divine Right.

The peoples of North, South, Eastern and Western Europe are variously divided and set against one another under the umbrella of apparent unity and furthermore taught to look upon the victims in the latest stage of humanities subjugation to the agenda for human enslavement as a potential threat to their comfort and well being, hence we have the rise of white supremacists who want to combat the influx of migrants and yet neither the "right" not the "left" can see that they are but elements of a scheme that divides humanity against itself from within and without. That tiny group of sinister behind the scenes Satanists use many and varied black arts in order to create an illusion that has got everyone confused and fighting against each other but even though there is plenty of evidence to underscore the notion of this manipulation there seems to be little will to actually make an organised and concerted effort to do something other than peruse the latest intrigue down an endless conspiracy theory rabbit hole whose conclusion by now should be fairly well grasped… i.e. that DIVIDE AND RULE HAS EVER BEEN THEIR GAME and the use of any badge, identity, ideology, party, religion etc. to achieve those ends is fair game, as was insinuated in that bible of how to get hold of and keep power by means of political manipulation and intrigue, "The Prince" by Niccolo Machiavelli with the phrase  "The end justifies the means."

To those that are intelligent and have good understanding few words are necessary in order to grasp the essence of the problem and the fact that the solution starts with each of us right here and right now for it is only in the here and now that we can reclaim our natural and essential spiritual essence, that which is truly capable of change and a conscious revolution, of a transformation of our values, a reconnection to our vitality, our inner strength and love, for the transcendental questions about human existence and life itself are here placed before us in these times and the question is not whether we win or lose here in this material body but whether we stand up to be counted for in the end it is a question of basic human dignity.

With each step that is taken towards a faceless technocratic monolithic and dehumanised political and economic system another piece of human dignity is stolen.
With every person trampled on by a seemingly endless book of rules that insult our intelligence and rest from us the opportunity to come up with our own common sense human solutions, our the significance of life is stolen from us so why is it that most of us just sigh and do nothing? 
One of the reasons for that is certainly that four letter word FEAR... so now, in Britain at least we have the opportunity to vote on EU membership... It is not by any means the only step we need to take in order to start to reclaim and give real meaning to the much abused words freedom and democracy but it is quite possibly the last reasonable opportunity to decide whether we are going to give away the ultimate say over our own destiny to a bunch of unelected people whose names we don't know, whose faces we have not seen and whose agenda is the control of our minds, hearts and spirits.

JUST SAY NO to the EU and the New World Order.

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